Second Arts in Health Meet&Link! gathering!

The Arts in Health International Foundation continues with its series of Meet&Link gatherings to create a professional network and showcase various arts in health projects from Spain.

This time, we have the presence of professionals from Vall d’Hebron Hospital and MNAC to share their experiences with the project “Obrint portes” (‘Opening Doors’) aimed at improving the emotional well-being and enhancing the socialization of a group of young people who have undergone oncological treatment

– Norma Vélez, project manager of Arts in Health at the National Museum of Catalan Art (MNAC).

– Anna Saló, pediatric psycho-oncologist at Vall d’Hebron Hospital..

The event included the participation of families and children involved in the project.

  • When it happened: Thursday, May 2, 2024, at 7 PM at La Lleialtat Santsenca (C/ Olzinelles 31)


Retrieve the sessions on the Foundation’s YouTube Channel:

The ‘Arts in Health Meet&Link initiative is launched! Creating a space for knowledge sharing and professional networking in Arts in Health.

The Arts in Health International Foundation continues its leading role in the Arts in Health ecosystem and is launching for the first time in Catalonia the Arts in Health Meet&Link, a meeting space open to everyone interested in firsthand insights into the arts in health initiatives being carried out in the region. The aim is to disseminate and promote the most relevant projects, foster networking, encourage collaborations among attendees, and uncover new professional challenges in the world of Arts in Health.

  • Thursday, February 22 at 7 PM at La Lleialtat Santsenca (C/ Olzinelles 31) with the participation of two experts with long professional careers in the cultural and health sectors:

Roser Sanjuan, head of public programs at the Centre d’Art La Panera de Lleida, provided firsthand insights into the center’s projects, a space that champions the arts as an asset for community health and well-being.

– Josep Maria Argimon, MD. PhD. former Health Minister of the Generalitat de Catalunya, who shared his experience and knowledge in various health fields, discussing innovative initiatives in the arts in health sector and job opportunities.

– The event featured an inspiring contribution from the renowned Michelin-starred Catalan chef Raül Balam Ruscalleda, awarded two Michelin stars, who brought a surprise of creativity to the event.

Arts in Health Meet&Link

Enabling the Arts for Community Health

1st International Symposium on Arts in Health, organized by the Catalan Health Institute (ICS) and the National Art Museum of Catalonia (MNAC) with the support of the Arts in Health International Foundation

ENABLING THE ARTS FOR COMMUNITY HEALTH 1st International Symposium on Arts in Health. Arts in Health International Foundation

On February 23 and 24, 2023, the Institut Català de la Salut and the Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya (MNAC), with the collaboration of the Arts in Health International Foundation, held an international symposium in Barcelona where various professionals from the fields of health, arts and culture came together to share their knowledge and present their experiences on the implementation of the Arts in Health strategy in their respective organizations. 

The Conference, inaugurated by the Minister of Health of the Government of CataloniaManel Balcells and by the director of the MNAC, Pepe Serra, was attended by professionals from the arts and health field and leading figures such as Cristopher Bailey, head of the Arts in Health of the World Health Organization (WHO), Antonella Poce, coordinator of the Europeean project Inclusive Museums for well-being and health thorugh the creation of a new shared memory, Guillem d’Efak Fullana Ferré, Head of Community Action, Public Programs and Communications of the MNAC and Co-director of the Plan Asistencial Artes en Salud del ICS, or Carmen Cabezas, Public Health Secretary of Catalonia.

Check the full program here. 

Video recordings of the Arts in Health symposium:


Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya (MNAC) · 2/12/2021


Discover the winners at: 


The world COVID-19 crisis has highlighted the need to equip ourselves with tools to reduce the impact caused by the pandemic and to help us effectively improve our health and our common well-being during and after the current social, economic and health crisis.

The Arts in Health International Foundation (AiHIF) has as its core mission to “foster cooperation between the cultural, social and health sectors to effectively improve society’s health and well-being”. To foster the potential of Arts in improving the health of both people and societies, AiHIF wishes to announce the #ArtsAgainstCovid Awards.

The Awards aim to acknowledge publicly those initiatives demonstrating the positive effects of Arts for health in cases where the individual and collective health of people have been affected by the current COVID-19 pandemic.

More info at

We all know that culture has the incredible capacity to impact us, transform us, to make us grow individually and collectively. A book that hits us, a music that activates us, a theater play that excites and makes us think, an exhibition that moves us… But beyond that intuition, can we go any further?

We are convinced that the arts have an incredible potential to bring us better health. We help to turn those potentialities into realities, into tangible health results. The introduction of the Arts in health processes is based on the assumption that human’s health not only depends on the various healthcare resources and professionals of the health systems.

To complement the health services network, the mobilization of arts-related community assets – conveniently aligned with healthcare activity – have shown that they can have a positive impact on the health / illness pair at both the individual and collective level.